picnic n. 1.野餐,郊游;各人自带食品的宴会。 2.〔俚语〕愉快的时间,轻松的工作。 3.(猪的)脊肉。 get up a picnic 发起野餐[旅行]会。 go out on a picnic 去旅行,去野餐。 It's no picnic. 〔口语〕这不是一件轻松事。 vi. (picnicked;picnicking) 去郊游,去野餐。
Use no less than 120 words to write about a family picnic that you have had 写一篇有关你曾经度过的一次家庭野餐,文长不得少于一百二十个英文单词。
But do n ' t plan on locking in sunny weather for that planned family picnic in july 2036 但是别指望我们可以预测出2036年7月哪天是晴天,适合家庭野餐。
Chaparral - covered slopes , caves . . . a good place for weekend family picnic , hiking and climbing 炽热火山形成的绝顶奇石,犹如千面女郎,变化万千,极适合野餐露营探险爬山。
But don ' t plan on locking in ( 18 ) sunny weather for that planned family picnic in july 2036 . these forecasts are only general trends 这台机器用于通过计算未来几个世纪全球海洋温度、降雨和地壳运动来预测自然灾害。
The people of hancock , new hampshire , like them so much that what started as a family picnic in 1879 has grown into a picnic that includes the whole town and anyone who has ever lived there 新罕布夏汉考克的居民非常的喜欢野餐, 1879年开始,由原只是家庭式的小规模野餐扩大为包括了全镇镇民及所有曾住在当地民众的大型野餐!
Tai mei tuk is located near plover cove at the foot of pat sin leng . there is a small footpath , ka lok path , barbeque pits and facilities for water activities , making it a perfect site for family picnic , cycling or playing kites 这里设有家乐径、水上活动中心及烧烤场等,适合一家大小到来踏单车、放风筝。另外,沿汀角路有不少茶座和餐厅可供游人选择。
The country parks comprise scenic hills , woodlands , reservoirs , coastline and island in all parts of hong kong . the parks are very popular with all sections of the community , who can enjoy leisure walking , fitness exercises , hiking , barbecuing , mountain biking to family picnics and camping 郊野公园遍布全港各处,不但有风景怡人的山岭丛林水塘和海滨地带,并包括多个离岛,提供健身远足烧烤,以至家庭旅行及露营的好去处,深受各阶层人士欢迎。
The country parks comprise scenic hills , woodlands , reservoirs , coastline and island in all parts of hong kong . the parks are very popular with all sections of the community , who can enjoy leisure walking , fitness exercises , hiking , barbecuing , mountain biking to family picnics and camping 郊野公园遍布全港各处,不但有风景怡人的山岭、丛林、水塘和海滨地带,并包括多个离岛,提供健身、远足、烧烤,以至家庭旅行及露营的好去处,深受各阶层人士欢迎。
Every year in summer from mid - june to august , a series of outdoor music programs will be performed in this very nature setting environment with well - known performers , and are available to general public for free . most of audiences come here to have their family picnic , in the meantime , enjoy the music . in case you want to know how to get there , or simply want to know more about the music programs , check the web site 史特恩丛林公园位于旧金山19thave .和sloat blvd .露天剧场在小山谷中,观众可以在广大的草坪上一边野餐,一边欣赏免费音乐也可以坐在山坡上居高临下观赏优美乐队的演奏还可以远远地的躺在丛林中或山上的草地里,细细品味美妙的音乐。